PRISM believes that entire books, and not just selected "sample" chapters can be published efficiently and effectively via electronic formats. HTML technologies have provided amazing interactivity with documents that were previously impossible with books or other document formats. Information, especially computer information, have, in the past, been restricted to expensive books. However, with the advent of document distribution through HTML, printing costs will be completely eliminated, thus making computer books actually affordable. That's what the Electronic Manuals division of PRISM is attempting to do - cut the costs of books by more than half, simply by avoiding printing costs, and distributing them in HTML format.

Our Current Project...

HTML Tutorial

We are currently working on publishing a complete HTML tutorial package. This package will actually consist of three units: an HTML guide that runs through all the standard tags, plus HTML 3.0 tags, Netscape tags, and possibly Internet Explorer tags; an excercise book containing assignments, and solutions; and an HTML quick reference. None of these have yet been named, and are still very early in the development stage. For now, it has been decided that the entire package will be distributed through printed and HTML formats. It is a possibility that it will be distributed in Windows Help format also.

Look for a free sample version to be released early summer. If you are interested in this, please give us some feedback.

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